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Welcome to eGRO


e-GRO (Electronic Grower Resources Online) is a collaborative effort of floriculture specialists to create a new clearing house for alerts about disease, insect, environmental, physiological and nutritional disorders being observed in commercial greenhouses. Information is available about disorders, podcasts, and research.

Bringing together some of the leading specialists from universities around the USA, e-GRO is a free resource and learning tool for anybody involved in greenhouse plant production.

The American Society for Horticultural Science awarded e-GRO their "Top Extension Website" for 2013.

Logo American Floral Endowment - major sponsor of eGRO Gloeckner Foundation - major sponsor of eGRO

Latest - Volume 14.13

Uninvited visitors who come to stay and make pests of themselves are nothing new apparently. Each year a new pest or three turns up in our eastern Long Island, NY Insect Diagnostic Lab.