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Seasons 1 through 9 from 2012 up to 2020.
Vol 7.37 - Potting Media Dilemmas & Small-Scale Growers When growers look back on a successful spring season they often can attribute their success to their...
Vol 7.36 - Are Recent Rains Holding Up Your Bedding Crops? Time To Consider Fungicidal Treatments! Quite a few greenhouse producers wind up holding these contracted plants outdoors, or plants are sto...
Vol 7.34 - Bio-insecticides in Greenhouse Ornamentals In this article, we examine several types of bio-insecticides—bio-pesticides used to control insect ...
Vol 7.33 - Dealing with salty irrigation water A number of growers have reported problems this spring related to irrigation water quality, particul...
Vol 7.32 - Spring Fling Over the past few weeks I’ve spoken with growers who have had to discard plants due to pest damage, ...
Vol 7.31 - Sanitation: Start clean, stay clean! Proper sanitation can help us prevent disease, spread pests, and safety hazards. ...
Vol 7.30 - Annual Aster: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) This Alert describes and provides photos of symptoms caused by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) on ...
Vol 7.29 - Biocontrol is Not for the Impatient Grower As we moved into the 21st century we knew that there had to be a better way to manage pests as pesti...
Vol 7.28 - Powdery Mildew on Crassula Powdery mildew is often one of the easiest plant diseases to identify. The light colored fungal grow...
Vol 7.27 - Lower Leaf Interveinal Chlorosis: A Pictorial Guide When Magnesium is Limited Magnesium (Mg) is sometimes a forgotten element. In many areas of North America, adequate Mg is avai...
Vol 7.26 - Weathering a Late Spring When inclement weather causes scheduling issues and production delays, consider these strategies to ...
Vol 7.25 - Greenhouse Growers, Are You Ready for Thrips? As greenhouse producers are preparing for spring and flowers become more numerous, it is time to get...
Vol 7.24 - Vapor Pressure Deficit? Why Should I Track that? With modern greenhouse temperature controls and glazing we can do a pretty good job protecting our p...
Vol 7.23 - Bacterial Leaf Spot and Blight on Begonia Growing Begonias? You should always be on the lookout for bacterial leaf spot and blight, caused by ...
Vol 7.22 - New Guinea Impatiens: Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) This Alert describes and provides photos of Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) on New Guinea impat...
Vol 7.21 - The Art and Science of Watering Greenhouse Crops As the greenhouse fills up with plants, its important to take time to review watering principles wit...
Vol 7.20 - N is for Plant Health Chemical properties of nitrogen and how we can use it to manage medium-pH and prevent root diseases....
Vol 7.19 - Downy Mildew on Rose A few cases of downy mildew on rose have been seen in production this season. Inspect incoming plant...
Vol 7.18 - Using Rice Hulls in Ornamental Horticulture Rice hulls can be used as a substrate aggregate or as a top-dress to suppress liverwort and weed see...
Vol 7.17 - Protecting Pollinators: What Role Can the Greenhouse Industry Play? The greenhouse industry can help protect honeybees and native pollinators by promoting pollinator-fr...
Vol 7.16 - Getting Herbaceous Perennials Off to a Good Start For growers who choose to overwinter or purchase vernalized perennials from industry suppliers, the ...
Vol 7.15 - I tested my growing media, now what? In this e-Gro Alert we will discuss how to monitor the pH of new batches of growing media. This disc...
Vol 7.14 - Rhizoctonia Infection in High Density Fern Production In the southern U.S. the last few weeks have been chilly with long periods of cloudy skies. This isn...
Vol 7.13 - Using Surfactants in Vegetative Cutting Propagation: A Review The terms adjuvants, surfactants, spreader-stickers, and wetting agents are often confused. I clarif...
Vol 7.12 - Avoid Cutting Losses by Prioritizing Sticking Lower leaf yellowing and senescence of problematic species can be reduced or prevented by prioritizi...
Vol 7.11 - Coleus Stock Plants: Don’t Let Viruses, Foliar Nematodes or Downy Mildew Ruin Your Crop Vegetatively propagated coleus plants are a very popular spring bedding plant. While there are many ...
Vol 7.10 - Preparing for a New Season: Making a List and Checking it Twice! This comprehensive start-up checklist will help greenhouse growers prepare for a new season....
Vol 7.09 - Nutritional Factsheet Dahlia Cutting Learn more about nutritional monitoring of dahlia....
Vol 7.08 - Nutritional Factsheet New Guinea impatiens Learn more about nutritional of New Guinea impatiens....
Vol 7.07 - Nutritional Factsheet Gerbera Learn more about nutritional monitoring of gerbera....
Vol 7.06 - Nutritional Factsheet Calibrachoa Learn more about nutritional monitoring of calibrachoa....
Vol 7.05 - Nutritional Factsheet Petunias Learn more about nutritional monitoring of petunias....
Vol 7.04 - Nutritional Factsheet Geraniums Learn more about nutritional monitoring of geraniums....
Vol 7.03 - Nutritional Factsheet Marigolds Learn more about nutritional monitoring of marigolds....
Vol 7.02 - Corrective Procedures for Modifying Substrate pH and Electrical Conductivity (EC) When the pH or substrate electrical conductivity (EC) drifts into unwanted territory, adjustments mu...
Vol 7.01 - Greenhouse Snow Load and Removal As a greenhouse operator, are you prepared to remove heavy, wet snow that accumulates in greenhouse ...
Vol 6.41 - Nutritional Monitoring: Marigolds Marigolds require a low to medium level of fertility at 100 to 200 ppm N. The optimal pH range is be...
Vol 6.40 - High pH caused by excessive leaching Nutrient deficiencies and high pH often go hand in hand when rooting cuttings under mist....
Vol 6.39 - Diseases of Veronica The herbaceous perennial, Veronica, is susceptible to many diseases including rust and cucumber mosa...
Vol 6.38 - When Plants Back Up in the Retail Greenhouse What happens when poor weather keeps customers at home, and retail greenhouses get crowded?...
Vol 6.37 - Monitoring pH and EC of Growing Medium Prevent problems by monitoring! In this Alert, we provide a review of the extraction methods to meas...
Vol 6.36 - Peony: Tobacco Rattle Virus Light and dark green mosaic (mottled) patterns and ringspots were observed on peony leaves. This Ale...
Vol 6.35 - Nutrient deficient vegetable bedding plants Are your vegetable and herb plants looking deficient? ...
Vol 6.34 - Best Practices in Chlorination Efficient and safe use of chlorine as an irrigation water treatment....
Vol 6.33 - Identifying and Mitigating Herbicide Contamination in the Greenhouse Herbicides applied off-site or within the greenhouse can significantly damage ornamental and edible ...
Vol 6.32 - Spring is for Insects (and Mites) While we recognize that insects and mites play critical beneficial and ecological roles, April can b...
Vol 6.31 - What To Do, and Not Do, When You Experience A Total Greenhouse Crop Failure If one day you find yourself with a greenhouse full of dying or unsellable plants, here is a brief r...
Vol 6.30 - Heat Stress Causes Foliar Bleaching and Chlorosis of Zonal Geranium White (bleached) or yellow (chlorotic) foliage of zonal geranium (Pelargonium × hortorum) is an indi...
Vol 6.29 - Russet Skinned Tomatoes? Beware of Tomato Russet Mites Eriophyid mites are small, difficult to detect, and can cause major problems in a variety of crops. ...
Vol 6.28 - Tomato Leaf Distortion: Unintended Herbicide Drift Drift from herbicide applications can lead to unintended side effects in greenhouse crops. Symptoms ...
Vol 6.27 - Gerbera: Diagnosing Interveinal Chlorosis of Upper Leaves Upper leaf interveinal chlorosis (yellowing) of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) is an indicator of iron ...
Vol 6.26 - Goji Berry: High pH Induced Iron Chlorosis A group of Goji Berry plants (Lycium barbarum) were exhibiting upper leaf interveinal chlorosis. A ...
Vol 6.25 - St. John’s Wort: Lower Leaf Necrotic Spotting Low substrate pH can lead to symptom development on the lower leaves of sensitive species. On St. Jo...
Vol 6.24 - Fuchsia: Lower Leaf Purpling High substrate pH will induce upper leaf interveinal chlorosis. However, an observed, but not repor...
Vol 6.23 - Torenia: Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) Necrotic leaf spot and faint necrotic ringspots were observed on torenia. Further inspection reveal...
Vol 6.22 - Improving the Efficacy of Ethephon Sprays by Adjusting Water Quality and Temperature The PGR ethephon (ie. Florel and Collate) breaks down to release ethylene, reducing internode elonga...
Vol 6.21 - Lobelia: Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) Stunted lobelia plants with mottled leaves were observed while visiting a grower. Both symptoms are...
Vol 6.20 - Coleus: Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) A wilting coleus plant with sunken necrotic tissue on the stem was observed. Upon inspection of othe...
Vol 6.19 - The Alternative Chilli Thrips The adage, "things are not always what they seem" was again demonstrated in the recent cas...
Vol 6.18 - Improving PGR Spray Applications Learn how to improve uniformity with PGR spray applications...
Vol 6.17 - Alternanthera Mosaic Virus (AltMV) This spring, we’ve seen reports of Alternanthera mosaic virus (AltMV) on Celosia. Here’s a quick rev...
Vol 6.16 - Heuchera: pH Induced Iron Toxicity Low substrate pH induced iron toxicity results?in small necrotic spots developing on the lower leave...
Vol 6.15 - Hydrangea Nutrition: Lower Leaf Purpling (Phosphorus Deficiency) Purple discoloration of the lower leaves is an indicator of limited phosphorus (P) in the plant. Th...
Vol 6.14 - Hydrangea Nutrition: Upper Leaf InterveinalChorosis (Iron Deficiency) Interveinalchlorosis (yellowing) of the upper foliage is an indicator that iron (Fe) is limited in a...
Vol 6.13 - Hydrangea Nutrition: Upper Leaf Tip Necrosis – Water Stress or Calcium? The most common cause of necrotic leaf tip burn of hydrangeas is drought stress. In contrast, tip b...
Vol 6.12 - Ornamental Sweetpotato Intumescence: A Physiological Disorder Sporadic green bumps and clusters of translucent or white wart-like lesions were recently observed a...
Vol 6.11 - Zero Tolerance for Weeds in the Greenhouse Don't let weeds grow in the greenhouse. Growers know it, customers sense it, researchers unde...
Vol 6.10 - Manage pH with water soluble fertilizers Learn how to adjust the acidity and basicity of the fertilizer program to stabilize pH...
Vol 6.09 - Unexpectedly High Daytime Greenhouse Temperatures Can Disrupt Crop Expecations Much of the mid-west, south and lower northeast have been experiencing unusually warm weather, chara...
Vol 6.08 - Pythium Problems Overwatering can cause many problems, Pythium root rot is one....
Vol 6.07 - Insecticides Labeled for Greenhousegrown Vegetables Vegetable greenhouse growers should verify that their edible crops are on the insecticide labels whe...
Vol 6.06 - Diagnosing Greenhouse Leaf Margin Issues Leaf margin issues are common and occur across many crops. They can indicate issues that may lead t...
Vol 6.05 - The Pest From Abroad: Watch for Broad Mite in Spring Crops Broad mite was again a common pest of greenhouse annuals in 2016. Following are some reminders about...
Vol 6.04 - Nutrient Management Strategies for Ensuring Blue Coloration of Greenhouse Hydrangeas The blue coloration in hydrangeas is the result of managing three primary factors: applying aluminum...
Vol 6.03 - INSV on Nemesia Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) often gets missed on nemesia. Don’t let this one fool you!...
Vol 6.02 - BMPs for Bee Health New Best Management Practices for protecting pollinators just announced by the Horticultural Researc...
Vol 6.01 - Geranium: Diagnosing Nutritional Disorders Already this spring, a number of geranium issues have occurred. A quick photographic guide to nutri...
Vol 5.39 - Stevia: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) can be found in both field or greenhouse environments and is charac...
Vol 5.38 - Broad Mites on Ornamental Peppers A number of stunted and distorted ornamental peppers were recently observed with distorted leaves. T...
Vol 5.37 - Knock Out Rose: Undifferentiated Growth on Stem A rose was observed to have a large woody mass near the base of the stem, the likely the result of a...
Vol 5.36 - Stephanotis: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) Distinctive, white ringspots were confirmed to be TSWV on stephanotis plants. ...
Vol 5.35 - Bacterial Leaf Spot: Pepper and Tomato in the Greenhouse Greenhouse-grown pepper and tomato transplants and seedlings allow for earlier field production. The...
Vol 5.34 - Dragon Wing Begonia: Diagnosing Upper Leaf Interveinal Chlorosis Interveinal chlorosis of the upper foliage usually denotes a deficiency of iron. In the case of thi...
Vol 5.33 - Lysimachia: Lower Leaf Purplish-Black Spotting Low substrate pH induced micro-nutrient (iron) toxicity is discussed on Lysimachia ...
Vol 5.32 - Nitrogen Deficiency: Don’t Let Bronze Foliage Fool You! Don't be confused when diagnosing nitrogen deficiency on bronze foliage. Instead of the normal...
Vol 5.31 - Maintaining High-Quality Plants in Retail Settings Growers do a great job growing high quality plants, however we have noticed that quality may be comp...
Vol 5.30 - There’s a Mouse in the (Green)house! How to identify and control two common rodent pests of greenhouses: mice and voles....
Vol 5.29 - Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) on Lobelia, Montauk Daisy, Osteospermum, and Hybrid Pericalli This spring we have seen a number of plants with TSWV including lobelia, Montauk daisy, osteospermum...
Vol 5.28 - Come to Grips with Thrips Is there any greenhouse pest more annoying, and damaging, than western flower thrips? Well, maybe,...
Vol 5.27 - Retractable Blackout Curtains should NOT be used as Greenhouse Shading In this alert, you will learn about the advantages and disadvantage of using shading compounds and r...
Vol 5.26 - Keep an eye on nutrition! Growers should regularly test their water quality as well as media pH and EC. Doing so will prevent ...
Vol 5.25 - Petunia: Lower Leaf Interveinal Chlorosis and Necrosis Magnesium deficiency is the most common cause of lower leaf chlorosis and necrosis, but test results...
Vol 5.24 - Tracing Water Quality Back to the Source The quality of water used for irrigation and pesticide application can impact crop quality, pesticid...
Vol 5.23 - Ipomoea: Distorted Upper Growth Ornamental sweet potato was noticed to be stunted and deformed. Broad mites were confirmed as being ...
Vol 5.22 - The Plant Mimic of Leaf Spots: Foliar Nematodes When leaves start to develop angular leaf spots, there are three potential casual pathogens: foliar ...
Vol 5.21 - How Much do Hanging Baskets Influence the Light Quality and Quantity for Crops Grown Below? In this alert, learn how hanging baskets have both photosynthetic and hotomorphogenic implications o...
Vol 5.20 - Those Tiny Mites Judging from the surge of calls, and pests, spring has arrived in earnest. One sample in the Diagnos...
Vol 5.19 - Do You Have Brown Soft Scale on Your Ferns? They've been hiding all winter, but with the onset of rising ADT, and the vegetative push growe...
Vol 5.18 - Pericallis: Lower leaf chlorosis and necrosis. The three possible reasons for this disorder in cineraria is discussed....
Vol 5.17 - Geraniums: Low pH Induced Fe/Mn Toxicity Geraniums are the poster child of low substrate induced Fe/Mn toxicities. They develop the cla...
Vol 5.16 - Gerbera: Low pH Induced Fe/Mn Toxicity Gerbera develop lower leaf purplish-black spotting. Read about what to look for in order to confirm...
Vol 5.15 - Diagnosing Low pH Disorders This alert discusses three ways to diagnose your low substrate pH induced problems....
Vol 5.14 - Coleus Downy Mildew Update Coleus downy mildew can cause leaf spots, necrotic lesions, leaf twisting, leaf drop, and/or st...
Vol 5.13 - Black Root Rot on Pansy…Keep Looking at Those Roots! Pansies (Viola spp.) are very susceptible to black root rot. The symptoms of black root rot are: chl...
Vol 5.12 - Spring Thielaviopsis? Look To Your Roots! Thielaviopsis can be expressed as plants with nutritional problems or slow growth. Learn what to lo...
Vol 5.11 - Managing Aphids in Hanging Baskets Some tips on managing aphids in baskets....
Vol 5.10 - Measuring Pesticides More Accurately Tips and tools for measuring small amounts of pesticides with greater accuracy....
Vol 5.09 - Scouting Those Plug Trays Is Essential! After seeing insect and disease issues very early this season, it would be timely to review scouting...
Vol 5.08 - Revisiting DIF in Easter Lily Production Producing perfect potted Easter lilies for market can be challenging. Fortunately, growers can manag...
Vol 5.07 - Oh Bother, Botrytis Again? There are lots of complaints about Botrytis this winter. Botrytis can cause damping off, stem lesion...
Vol 5.06 - Increasing the Rooting Success of Challenging Vegetative Cutting Species Some growers are struggling to root and propagate some herbs, such as rosemary and lavender this sea...
Vol 5.05 - Iresine: Flowering and Stalled Vegetative Growth Iresine herbstii 'Aureoreticulata' requires long days to remain vegetative. Under short da...
Vol 5.04 - Preventing Liner Stretch Controlling plant size can be a challenge, but successful height management begins in propagation. L...
Vol 5.03 - Scaevola: What Actually Causes Interveinal Chlorosis With scaevola, interveinal chlorosis of the younger leaves is a common problem. The most obvious ca...
Vol 5.02 - Scaevola Troubleshooting Guide A new iBook is available that helps growers diagnose disease, insect, nutritional, and physiological...
Vol 5.01 - 2016 e-GRO Alerts Begin Find out who the new contributors are for the e-GRO Team. Contributors now number 13 from 10 differ...
Vol 4.39 - Powdery Mildew on Greenhouse-grown Lettuce Powdery mildew commonly affects greenhouse lettuce crops and can lead to significant losses if not p...
Vol 4.38 - Christmas Cactus: Yellow and Necrosis of Phylloclades Christmas cacti are sensitive to low substrate pH conditions, which can lead to phylloclade chloroti...
Vol 4.37 - Scented Geraniums: Proliferation of Basal Growth A mass of growth with small leaves is the typical symptom of a leafy gall infection. Inspect your sc...
Vol 4.36 - Powdery Mildew on Calibrachoa Powdery mildew can often go unnoticed on calibrachoa. Check your plants for white, powdery, fungal g...
Vol 4.35 - Powdery Mildew on Rosemary Numerous cases of powdery mildew have been seen this season in the greenhouse. Keep an eye on your p...
Vol 4.34 - Flowering of Begonias What begonias are you growing? Are your plants flowering too early or too late? This e-GRO Alert wil...
Vol 4.33 - Is your greenhouse irrigation water alkalinity ailing your crop? If the pH of your media is out-of-whack, consider checking your irrigation water alkalinity...
Vol 4.32 - Botrytis - Taking The Big Image Approach Botrytis has been an issue spring 2015 and for some it was a big surprise. Botrytis can be avoided! ...
Vol 4.31 - Tipburn of hydroponic lettuce The lettuce literature describes two different types of abiotic disorders which share the same name,...
Vol 4.30 - Getting Serious About Aphids This month I have had several urgent calls about aphids, lots of aphids. On hanging baskets, on bedd...
Vol 4.29 - A Pictorial Guide to Common Symptoms of INSV in Greenhouse Crops INSV can cause a broad range of symptoms and symptoms can be quite variable on different hosts. In t...
Vol 4.28 - Avoiding Caladium Conundrums This e-GRO Alert includes environmental and cultural production information for successful greenhous...
Vol 4.27 - Tank Mixing for Branching and Height Control Now that many of your bedding and garden plants are in their finished containers, you may be wishing...
Vol 4.26 - Mottling and Ringspots Mottled leaves and brown ringstops on Reiger begonias were observed. Tomato spotted wilt virus was c...
Vol 4.25 - Ringspots and Mottling Mottled leaves and ringstops on New Guinea impatiens are common signs of a virus infection. Tomato s...
Vol 4.24 - Lackluster Lantana Lantana provides splashes of color throughout the summer in containers and landscapes. Although pro-...
Vol 4.23 - Lower Leaf Yellowing and Necrosis Pentas are sensitive to low substrate pH conditions, which can lead to lower leaf chlorosis, interve...
Vol 4.22 - Ranunculus: Lower Leaf Yellowing and Necrosis Lower leaf marginal chlorosis and necrosis are the typical signs of a Mg deficiency. A potassium def...
Vol 4.21 - Why Worry about Weeds If you are not managing weeds in your greenhouse, you may be hindering your pest management efforts...
Vol 4.20 - Bacterial Leaf Spot of Begonia Scattered leaf spots, wedge-shaped leaf spots, and wilt can be symptoms of bacterial leaf spot....
Vol 4.19 - Stalled Growth & Flowering The short days of winter will result in the induction of flowering and stalled growth with alternant...
Vol 4.18 - Time for Thrips Already? Good thrips management starts with cultural controls...
Vol 4.17 - Avoiding Container Substrate Compaction This e-GRO Alert includes information on the detrimental effects of substrate compaction from stacki...
Vol 4.16 - Phytotoxicity!! Relative Humidity Affects PGR Uptake We often caution growers that many of our plant growth regulators (PGRs) are absorbed by leaf tissue...
Vol 4.15 - Ethylene in the greenhouse Heater maintenance and proper ventilation will help you avoid this common spring problem....
Vol 4.14 - Using herbicides in a greenhouse is risky business Be aware of how using herbicides, even in an empty greenhouse, may impact your crop...
Vol 4.13 - Black Root Rot Irregular patterns of stunt, poor root growth, chlorotic foliage may be caused by black root rot...
Vol 4.12 - A plain and simple checklist for injector problems Nothing lasts forever, and fertilizer injectors are no exception. Part failures are often not discov...
Vol 4.11 - Strobilanthes: Stalled Growth & Flowering Persian shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus) is one of my favorite bedding plants. I really like the pur...
Vol 4.10 - Don't Let The Snow Get You Down This updated e-GRO Alert includes tips on how to manage heavy snow loads on your greenhouse to help ...
Vol 4.09 - Checklist for Reducing Greenhouse Heating Costs this Winter Yes, I know that propane costs are lower than they have been in many years, but wasting as much as h...
Vol 4.08 - Time to Think About Aphids - Again Bedding plant season is upon us. Southern growers are well into it, northern growers are gearing up....
Vol 4.07 - Bedding Plant Troubleshooting iBook Edition 3 of the interactive iBook on disorders of ageratum, begonia, celosia, impatiens, marigolds,...
Vol 4.06 - The Do's and Don’ts of Using Chlorine Bleach as a Surface Disinfectant in Greenhouses. Using sterilants such as bleach improperly can cause significant damage to crops and endanger the he...
Vol 4.05 - Petunia: Chlorotic Spots and Necrosis When used correctly, ethephon applications will result in enhanced plant growth. Because ethylene pr...
Vol 4.04 - Guidelines for High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) Lamp Use This e-GRO Alert includes information on the benefits of supplemental lighting from HPS lamps and gu...
Vol 4.03 - Algae in Propagation This e-GRO alert will discuss algae on substrate during propagation. You will learn the causes of al...
Vol 4.02 - pH Management: Problem ID, Optimal Ranges, and Corrective Procedures This updated e-GRO Alert includes an extensive listing of optimal pH ranges for greenhouse plants, d...
Vol 4.01 - Year 4 Begins: e-GRO Alert Starts New Production Season We are back for the 2015 spring season with the fourth year of e-GRO Alert....
Vol 3.63 - Powdery Mildew on Poinsettias Under the right conditions, powdery mildew can spread rapidly on poinsettia crops and even low level...
Vol 3.62 - Garden Mums: Upper leaf yellowing and necrosis When phosphorus is limited during flowering, mums translocate it from the nearest leaf sink, resulti...
Vol 3.61 - Production and Installation Protocols to Avoid Pansy Problems Going Forward! Depending on where you are in the U.S., Pansy season is either still in the lst stages of the greenh...
Vol 3.60 - Rust on Aster Rust appears on Aster as orange or brown pustules on the underside of leaves and as chlorotic spots ...
Vol 3.59 - Poinsettia Fertilization: pH Disorders Stunting occurs if the substrate pH levels are too low. Poinsettias respond well to a pH range of 5....
Vol 3.58 - Poinsettia Fertilization: Calcium Deficiency When a calcium deficiency develops early, it appears as a marginal chlorosis and leaf roll on the yo...
Vol 3.57 - Poinsettia Fertilization: Sulfur Deficiency Initial symptoms of sulfur deficiency appear as an overall pale-green to yellow discoloration of the...
Vol 3.56 - Poinsettia Fertilization: Molybdenum Deficiency Yellow or white marginal discoloration of the recently mature leaves denotes a molybdenum deficiency...
Vol 3.55 - Poinsettia Fertilization: Magnesium Deficiency Interveinal chlorosis of the older leaves denotes a magnesium deficiency. The location of late seaso...
Vol 3.54 - Poinsettia Fertilization: Getting Phosphorus Right Growing poinsettias with a low phosphorus fertilization regime helps control excessive stretch. If p...
Vol 3.53 - Tips for Diagnosing Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) Learn how to use ImmunoStrips (Agdia, Inc.) to rapidly diagnose INSV in plants on-site in the greenh...
Vol 3.52 - INSV on Echinacea Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) caused various symptoms ranging from small necrotic spots and m...
Vol 3.51 - INSV on Penstemon Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) caused symptoms ranging from small necrotic ring spots to irreg...
Vol 3.50 - Black Rot of Ornamental Cabbage and Kale (update) Watch for black rot on your ornamental cabbage and kale crops – look for wedgeshaped lesions and bla...
Vol 3.49 - Vinca: Leaf Mottling and Necrosis, Stem Lesions An infection by the Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) of vinca resulted in leaf mottling and necrosis...
Vol 3.48 - Poinsettia Propagation: Erwinia and Rhizoctonia The warm, moist environment during poinsettia propagation is perfect for the development of Bacteria...
Vol 3.47 - Getting Ahead of Pests on Ornamental Cabbage and Kale Ornamental cabbage and kale pests are not difficult to control but knowing what to look for, detecti...
Vol 3.46 - Black Rot of Ornamental Cabbage Fortunately, there aren't too many diseases that trouble ornamental cabbage; most samples we se...
Vol 3.45 - Ornamental Cabbage and Kale: Avoiding Lower Leaf Loss Curtailing fertilization results in lower leaf yellowing, leaf loss, and poor quality plants. Center...
Vol 3.44 - Zinnia: Tip Burn of Young Leaves Leaf tip necrosis is a common problem encountered during summer production of zinnias. This problem ...
Vol 3.43 - Gerbera:Mottling and Necrotic Spotting An infection by the impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) of gerbera resulted in leaf mottling and ne...
Vol 3.42 - Insecticides and Plant Sensitivity Insecticides can be very valuable tools, but be aware of plant sensitivity....
Vol 3.41 - Chilling Injury: What It Is, Why It Happens and How To Avoid It! Chill damage, or more specifi cally, damage caused by rapid changes in temperature can happen any ti...
Vol 3.40 - Glyphosate Vapor Drift: Bright Yellow Young Growth Bright yellow young growth on numerous plant species near the air intake fans in the greenhouse can ...
Vol 3.39 - Dodder (Cuscuta spp.): Orange, spaghetti-like growth Orange, spaghetti-like growth entwined around plants denotes an infestation of the parasitic weed do...
Vol 3.38 - Don't Let Your Plant Go Hungry in Retail It is easy to forget about plant nutrtion once your plants move to the retail area. Be sure you have...
Vol 3.37 - INSV on Coleus Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) causes spots, ringspots, arc-shaped lesions, and irregular line...
Vol 3.36 - Calla Lily: Mottling and Necrotic Spotting An infection by the tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) of calla lily resulted in mottling of the flowe...
Vol 3.35 - Thinking Broadly About Mites Broad mite problems are appearing in greenhouses. Know what to look for, how to confirm an infestati...
Vol 3.34 - Fusarium on Hiemalis (Rieger) Begonia Fusarium on hiemalis begonia can cause discolored leaves, basal stem cankers and rot, and plant coll...
Vol 3.33 - Is Your Double-Poly Greenhouse Properly Inflated with Outside Air? Making sure that your double-poly greenhouse is properly filled with air will increase the lifespan ...
Vol 3.32 - e-GRO App for Selecting Fungicides With the new e-GRO Disease Control Guide, you can have a resource to help you with you fungicide app...
Vol 3.31 - Calcium Defi ciency = Upper Leaf Necrosis in Oriental Lilies Research determines that calcium defi ciencies in Oriental lilies can lead to water-soaked, curling,...
Vol 3.30 - Ageratum: Lower Leaf Purplish-Black Discoloration Low substrate pH induced micro-nutrient (Iron/Manganese) toxicity is discussed on ageratum (Age...
Vol 3.29 - Streptocarpus: Lower Leaf Purplish-Black Discoloration During a grower visit, came across a crop of streptocarpus plants with lower leaf purpling <...
Vol 3.28 - PGRs for Growth Control and Reducing Shrinkage in a Late Spring Year It has been a tough winter and it looks like there will be a late spring in many areas of the countr...
Vol 3.27 - Thrips Tips Western flower thrips continues to be a major spring greenhouse pest. Successful management includes...
Vol 3.26 - Industry Impatiens Survey Results Are In! Results from growers and retailers show that while impatiens production and sales were down in 2013,...
Vol 3.25 - Cold temperatures + Cloudy days = Careful watering! With cold and cloudy days it can be easy to overwater your crops. Overwatering your crops can lead t...
Vol 3.24 - Leafy Gall (Rhodococcus fascians) on Geranium, Wallflower, and Coreopsis Rhodococcus fascians causes leafy gall, which is an odd proliferation of leaf tissue.<br><b...
Vol 3.23 - Sempervivum: Ringspots and Necrosis An infection by the impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) of sempervivum (Hens and Chicks) resulted i...
Vol 3.22 - Ranunculus: Necrotic Leaf Spots and Mottling An infection by the impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) of ranunculus resulted in necrotic leaf spo...
Vol 3.21 - Correctly Applying Iron Chelates – Avoiding the Burn Once you have applied a substrate drench of iron chelate to your crop, immediately rinse off the fol...
Vol 3.20 - Coleus: Lower Foliage Dark, Angular Leaf Spots An infection by foliar nematodes which resulted in lower leaf, black, angular leaf spots is highligh...
Vol 3.19 - Are You Ready For The Spring-Swing? One of the main reasons we publish E-Gro Alerts is to provide growers with advance warning of proble...
Vol 3.18 - Using PGR Liner Soaks for Early Growth Regulation Liner soaks offer an excellent means of getting growth control of vigorous crops early in the produc...
Vol 3.17 - Questioning a plant pathogen in your greenhouse crop? Getting a quick and accurate diagnosis is essential during the rush of spring production, so that cu...
Vol 3.16 - Avoiding common mistakes when germinating seeds. Avoiding some key mistakes will ensure that seed propagated material you use this spring will result...
Vol 3.15 - Tobacco Mosaic Virus on Petunia Watch for symptoms of TMV in your petunia crops! Symptoms of TMV include leaf mottle, leaf distortio...
Vol 3.14 - Geranium Cutting Propagation – Reducing lower-leaf yellowing In my recent visits to greenhouses, I have seen the all- too-common lower leaf yellowing of geranium...
Vol 3.13 - Licorice Plant (Helichrysum): Disorder Diagnostics Diagnostic guide providing a key and identification photographs of the major disorders associated wi...
Vol 3.12 - Licorice Plant (Helichrysum): Lower Leaf Black Spots We grew the licorice plant as part of an experiment at NC State University. During that time, we not...
Vol 3.11 - Take Crop Scouting To A New Level - ID & Eliminate The Source! Early season crop scouting goes beyond just simple assessment of whats on the sticky card. Paying cl...
Vol 3.10 - Powdery Mildew on New Guinea Impatiens and Torenia Powdery mildew is not a disease that has typically been a large concern for New Guinea impatiens cro...
Vol 3.09 - Use Branching Agents Early to Improve Quality of Herbaceous Perennials We've had recent inquiries from growers on how to improve branching of herbaceous perennials th...
Vol 3.08 - e-GRO University In mid-2013 faculty from five different universities launched one of the latest facets of e-gro.org....
Vol 3.07 - Cultural and Troubleshooting guide to Clerodendrum A new cultural and troubleshooting guide to Clerodendrum has been published by North Carolina State ...
Vol 3.06 - Bedding Plant Troubleshooting The 2014 version of Bedding Plant Troubleshooting: Guide to Disease, Insect, Nutritional, and Physio...
Vol 3.05 - pH Signs While signs of high pH induced iron deficiency commonly occur, do you know what to look for when the...
Vol 3.04 - More Ethephon Options Collate is the new ethephon formulation registered in the U.S. by Fine Americas in January 2013. Thi...
Vol 3.03 - Plectranthus eBook 2 North Carolina State University has partnered with the North Carolina Specialty Crops Research progr...
Vol 3.02 - Is Your Business Smart Phone Ready Adult Smartphone Usage in the U.S. According to the Pew Research Center, 56% of U.S. adults owned a ...
Vol 3.01 - Start of 2014 Season Welcome to our third year of e-GRO Alert. We are back for the 2014 spring season. We have also added...
Vol 2.26 - New Web-Based Supplemental Light Calculator (DLICALC) Research at Purdue and other universities is showing the economic benefits of monitoring and managin...
Vol 2.25 - Fertilization of 11 Vegetative Annuals We grew a number of vegetative annuals this spring at NC State University to determine their respons...
Vol 2.24 - Drought stress leads to flower abortion with bacopa. Avoiding water stress will enhance bacopas flower power. Bacopa are quite sensitive to water stress, which results in flower bud abortion. ...
Vol 2.23 - Dragon Wing Begonia: Lower Leaf Necrotic Spots Dragon Wing® begonias (Begonia x hybrida) are attractive plants which perform well in North Carolina...
Vol 2.22 - Outfoxing Foxglove Aphid In recent years foxglove aphid has surfaced as a more significant pest than ever. One Northeastern U...
Vol 2.21 - Xanthomonas Bacterial Blight of Geranium and Look-A-Likes Throughout this spring we've seen a few cases of suspected Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii ...
Vol 2.20 - Managing Temperature and Light to Reduce Shrink and Increase Quality What do angelonia, celosia, lantana, New Guinea Impatiens, pentas, portulaca, and vinca all have in ...
Vol 2.19 - Troubleshooting Calibrachoa Calibrachoa is one of the most popular bedding plants across the country. They also can be a challen...
Vol 2.18 - Reduce Handling Losses Crop shrinkage is one aspect of producing ornamental crops that I and my colleagues take seriously a...
Vol 2.17 - Broad Mite Broadcast Spring is here, judging from samples and calls to the Entomology Diagnostic Lab. Broad mite has been...
Vol 2.16 - Comparing Concise Application Methods for Height Control of Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’ Rudbeckia Goldsturm is still a popular summer perennial but with the late spring plugs, these plants...
Vol 2.15 - Coleus and Basil Downy Mildew Impatiens downy mildew isn't the only downy mildew you need to worry about! There are other dow...
Vol 2.14 - Nemesia Troubleshooting The major pests and disorders of Nemesia are discussed in this e-GRO Alert, which includes:<br>...
Vol 2.13 - Improve Branching of Upright Sedums with PGRs Some of our growers have given up on using Sedum liners, especially for the early spring production ...
Vol 2.12 - Bench Space is at a Premium The idea of optimizing space by holding plants longer before spacing or transplanting is actually co...
Vol 2.11 - Zonal Geranium Chlorosis As the weather warms up and light levels increase, growers producing zonal geraniums may discover ch...
Vol 2.10 - Improving the Rooting Success of Challenging Petunia Cultivars Observations in commercial greenhouses strongly suggested nutrition during liner production could pl...
Vol 2.09 - A Mid-Season Punch-List Remember, crop shrinkage is a profit killer. A simple 1% increase in total crop sales can equate to ...
Vol 2.08 - Thrips: Fight that the Living Dread Spring is in the air … and so are thrips. They're out there, you know it, even if you don'...
Vol 2.07 - Oxalis Rust A grower called and reported red growth on the underside of oxalis leaves. The problem turned out to...
Vol 2.06 - Impatiens Downy Mildew – A Review Impatiens downy mildew, caused by the pathogen Plasmopara obducens, has been a hot topic of conversa...
Vol 2.05 - Dahlias: Avoiding Tubers 2 Cutting or seed produced dahlias are wonderful spring bedding plants. As you prepare for this spring...
Vol 2.04 - Torenia: INSV On my last trip visiting greenhouses, took notice of some nonpatented torenia (Torenia fournieri) st...
Vol 2.03 - Get Your Echinacea off to an Early Start This e-Gro Alert is to update you on the value of using Configure (BA, Fine Americas, Inc.) to impro...
Vol 2.02 - Dipladenia: Leaf Distortion Distorted leaf growth can be the result of a number of different situations. Boron deficiency, 2,4-D...
Vol 2.01 - e-GRO Alert Bulletin Year 2 Welcome to our second year of e-GRO Alert. The overwhelming positive response to the weekly problem ...
Vol 14.04 - Black root rot is still a problem Black root rot continues to be a problem in spring bedding plant production. Early detection, preven...
Vol 14.03 - Best Practices for Transplanting Plugs and Liners for Spring Production Mastering the critical steps of handling and transplanting plugs and liners is essential for maximiz...
Vol 14.02 - NEW - Plant Growth Regulator Guide for Annuals The 2025 version of the Plant Growth Regulator Guide for Annuals is now available....
Vol 14.01 - Rooting for Success: Best Practices in Unrooted Cutting Propagation Short description: Mastering the critical steps of handling and sticking unrooted cuttings is essent...
Vol 13.58 - Boost Your Roots: Enhance Rooting in Woody Nursery Plants with IBA Woody nursery crops can be difficult to root from cuttings, especially when grown without rooting ho...
Vol 13.57 - Maximizing Holiday Sales: Innovative Display Strategies for Seasonal Plants and Décor This e-GRO Alert provides comprehensive strategies for greenhouse growers and independent garden cen...
Vol 13.56 - Don’t Let Fall Armyworms Cut into Fall Profits Fall armyworms are common in turfgrass and landscape. While they are less common in the greenhouse t...
Vol 13.55 - Remember Sulfur Isn’t in the Bag: Cal-Mag formulas lack S. Although not a common occurrence, sulfur (S) deficiencies can appear. Assessing your sources of S an...
Vol 13.54 - Slime Trails and Leaf Damage: Effective Strategies for Managing Slugs in Poinsettia Production Slugs can cause significant damage to poinsettias grown in greenhouse environments, particularly whe...
Vol 13.53 - “Sugar Translocators” — a fad diet or a true program for rooting? In this alert, we share the results of a project in which we evaluated a product labeled as a “suga...
Vol 13.52 - Identification and Control of Birdeye Pearlwort (Sagina procumbens) in Greenhouse Container Production In this e-GRO alert, growers will learn how to identify Birdeye pearlwort and strategies to manage ...
Vol 13.51 - Pansy PGRs Fall pansies are started during the heat of the summer and to avoid excessive growth, plant growth r...
Vol 13.50 - The Highs and Lows of Pansy Nutritional Problems Fall pansy production is a staple for many growers. While pansies are a quick crop, several nutritio...
Vol 13.49 - Poking Around the Greenhouse Fall is a great time to do a quick scouting outside the greenhouse for any unusual leaf mottling sym...
Vol 13.48 - Garden Mums: The Possibilities of Seeing Red A common late season garden mum question is what is causing my plants to develop red leaves? In this...
Vol 13.47 - The Diseases Your Mum Warned You About While both Fusarium spp. and Pythium spp. root rots can commonly plague a mum crop, during the past ...
Vol 13.46 - Standout Varieties from the Michigan Garden Plant Tour Flowers bloomed in every hue at the seven trial gardens around the state during the 2024 Michigan Ga...
Vol 13.45 - Organic Mulching: An Effective Non-chemical Weed Management Strategy In this e-GRO alert, growers will learn what is organic mulch, the types of organic mulch that can b...
Vol 13.44 - Lower Leaf Interveinal Chlorosis of Centaurea cineraria A group of perennial dusty miller (Centaurea cineraria) plants developed interveinal chlorosis on th...
Vol 13.43 - Maintaining Manganese: Pronounced Veination of Young Geranium Leaves Summer hold-over plants offer the opportunity to view unique symptomology that rarely appears when p...
Vol 13.42 - Do consumers prefer safe, sustainable, or nutritious veggies? This publication illustrates the findings from a study conducted by the author and collaborators tit...
Vol 13.41 - Consumer Responses to Alternative Flatheaded Borer Control Methods This e-GRO Alert discusses key findings from a study addressing U.S. consumers’ responses to alterna...
Vol 13.40 - It’s Obviously an Iron Problem, But Why? Interveinal chlorosis of the new leaves usually means iron problems. A few scattered rosemary plants...
Vol 13.39 - It's Complicated: Rosemary Boron Problems Stubby, clubbed, and brittle new leaves are all typical symptoms of a boron deficiency. While the re...
Vol 13.38 - Zinnia: Missing Magnesium Lower leaf interveinal chlorosis on zinnias was observed. This was due to limited magnesium (Mg) in...
Vol 13.37 - Zinnia: Leaf Tips Gone Bad The high humidity conditions of summer can lead to the development of leaf tip necrosis of zinnias. ...
Vol 13.36 - Optimal Emitter Placement for Drip Irrigation During Summer Bedding Plant and Garden Mum Production Proper placement and maintenance of drip emitters is crucial for uniform irrigation and optimal grow...
Vol 13.35 - Daphne: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) Leaf mottling and ringspots were observed on daphne (Daphne odora). These symptoms are typical of w...
Vol 13.34 - Tomato: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) Tomato leaves with mottling and fruit with necrotic spotting and ringspots were observed on a plant....
Vol 13.33 - Strawflower: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) Leaf mottling and ringspots were observed on a crop of strawflower (Xerochrysum bracteatum). These ...
Vol 13.32 - Dialing in Diagnostics: Lettuce Leaf Tissue Standards Revised leaf tissue nutrient standards for greenhouse lettuce published. ...
Vol 13.31 - Potato Leafhopper: On Beyond Spuds This past week (late May) our field scouts and I started seeing the first pale green potato leafhopp...
Vol 13.30 - Marketing Plants for Outdoor Decorators Pre-assembled containers and drop n’ go options are perfect for ‘outdoor decorator’ customers who ar...
Vol 13.29 - Marigolds: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) White ringspots, leaf mottling, and leaf distortion were observed on a crop of marigolds. These sym...
Vol 13.28 - Considerations When Selecting a Water-soluble Fertilizer Selecting a fertilizer is one of the first steps to a successful growing season and can help avoid m...
Vol 13.27 - Greenhouse Adventures: Focusing on Scouting This spring has been relatively low key for greenhouse production issues. This Alert highlights some...
Vol 13.26 - Nostoc: Managing Algae and Moss Inside Greenhouses In this e-GRO alert, growers will learn what is algae and moss and how to manage them in the greenho...
Vol 13.25 - Garden center displays to increase foot traffic The following e-GRO Alert discusses retail garden center display considerations for encouraging in-s...
Vol 13.24 - Do Taller Pots Hold More Water? How does the pot height affect the water holding capacity of a pot?...
Vol 13.23 - Coleus Downy Mildew Is Out and About This Alert reviews how to recognize coleus downy mildew and provides some tips on management....
Vol 13.22 - Micronutrient deficiency-induced Interveinal chlorosis on schizanthus Late in production, this schizanthus crop developed interveinal chlorosis. It didn’t just require a ...
Vol 13.21 - Hydrangea Leaf Distortion: 2024 Sponsors Hydrangea Ringspot Virus confirmed A recent eGRO alert on “How to Deal with Diagnosis” (https://www.e-gro.org/pdf/2...
Vol 13.20 - PGRs: Where to Start Many greenhouse growers regularly use plant growth regulators or retardants (PGRs) to elicit desirab...
Vol 13.19 - Biostimulants for Greenhouse Ornamental Crop Production This article provides an overview of what biostimulants are, how they can improve the quality of gre...
Vol 13.18 - How to Deal with Diagnosis Correctly identifying the cause of a problem is the first step in effective and economic management ...
Vol 13.17 - Much Ado About (a) Thrips Managing this new pest partly depends on recognizing it and choosing effective controls, informed by...
Vol 13.16 - Daminozide Dilemmas: Avoiding Flower Bleaching in Spring Bedding Plants Daminozide is a widely used plant growth retardant (PGR) for producing compact spring flowering bedd...
Vol 13.15 - Know Before You Grow What nutrients are in your substrate? ...
Vol 13.14 - Relearning How to Grow: Substrates With recent challenges in substrate availability growers must modify their watering, fertility, and ...
Vol 13.13 - Petunia Purpling Problems From rooting to finishing, there are a wide range of reasons why petunias may display purple discolo...
Vol 13.12 - Magnificent Magnesium Why maintaining magnesium is important. ...
Vol 13.11 - Fern-feeding Caterpillars Are your ferns failing to fill out as they have in past years? The culprit could be the larval stage...
Vol 13.10 - Safeguarding Overwintering Structures and Greenhouses from Rodent Infestations Overwintering structures and heated greenhouses create an ideal habitat for rodents, posing a challe...
Vol 13.09 - US Consumer Motivations Driving Native Plant Sales The following e-GRO Alert discusses US consumers motivations for incorporating native plants into th...
Vol 13.08 - Sanitation: A Culture to be Established & Nurtured Description: Sanitation is the process of cleaning an area to protect plant health and staff safety...
Vol 13.07 - Mastering the Mix with Strategic Crop Groupings Strategically grouping greenhouse crops based on their environmental or cultural requirements ensure...
Vol 13.06 - Perennial Powerhouse: Unlock More with the New PGR Guide The latest edition of the Plant Growth Regulator Guide for Containerized Herbaceous Perennial Plants...
Vol 13.05 - Swish-Swish: Dipping Unrooted Vegetative Cuttings to Reduce Incoming Pest Populations Dipping unrooted vegetative cuttings in biopesticides has been shown to be effective at reducing whi...
Vol 13.04 - Ironing Out: Problems in a Petunia Crop Interveinal chlorosis of the upper foliage is a common problem in petunia production. However, this ...
Vol 13.03 - Mind the Mist: Petunias During propagation, mist management is the key to quick rooting. Excessive moisture will result in s...
Vol 13.02 - Phosphorus Has 2 Ps When phosphorus is deficient, the classical symptom we all learn is lower leaf purpling. With warmer...
Vol 13.01 - Quick Check for Spring Use this quick checklist to help prevent spring season issues. ...
Vol 12.42 - Traditional and Digital Diagnostic Tools of the Trade This alert covers commonly used tools used to examine and identify insect pests and disease organism...
Vol 12.41 - Micronutrient Madness: Basil Lower leaf necrosis can occur as a result of excessive micronutrient applications. To confirm the di...
Vol 12.40 - Geranium TSWV Three geranium plants were observed with ring spots and upper-leaf mottling. These were typical sign...
Vol 12.39 - Going Viral This Alert is a photographic guide to viruses found on a wide array species during the 2023 producti...
Vol 12.38 - Begonias Gone Viral The host range for both impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) and tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is...
Vol 12.37 - Squirrelly Snapdragon Growth Problematic snapdragon plants with spindly growth, blotchy yellow leaf batches, and lower leaf drop ...
Vol 12.36 - Mimics: Mexican Sunflower Upon inspection of some problematic Mexican sunflower plants with lower leaf interveinal chlorosis a...
Vol 12.35 - The Mitey Marigold French marigolds offer excellent color and can be grown in a wide range of USDA hardiness zones. Whi...
Vol 12.34 - Ironing Out Problems in Pansies Interveinal chlorosis of the upper foliage is a common problem in pansy production. However, this ca...
Vol 12.33 - Verifying the Proper Function of Fertilizer Injectors Providing the right amount of fertilizer is fundamental to achieve high quality crops. In this Alert...
Vol 12.32 - A Sticky Subject: Yellow Sticky Cards In this Alert, we provide an overview of how to use and monitor yellow sticky cards to monitor pests...
Vol 12.31 - A Quick Review of Poinsettia Powdery Mildew Powdery mildew can spread rapidly once the conditions are favorable and an epidemic can be devastati...
Vol 12.30 - Using Plant Benefit Information to Engage Customers This e-GRO Alert provides insights gained from research on U.S. consumer responses to plant benefit ...
Vol 12.29 - The Slimy Weed of Greenhouse In this e-GRO alert, growers will learn how to identify and manage Nostoc in the greenhouse producti...
Vol 12.28 - Who is Benefiting from Online Advertising in the Environmental Horticulture Industry? This publication highlights the findings of a research article titled “Evaluating the Business and O...
Vol 12.27 - Plant a Caterpillar Garden! Last spring my Assistant Entomologist and I were asked to speak about butterflies to a garden group....
Vol 12.26 - Common Groundsel: A Problematic Weed Species In this e-GRO alert, growers will learn how to identify common groundsel in their greenhouses for co...
Vol 12.25 - Get the 4-1-1 on Social Media for Garden Retailers Engaging and inspiring consumers through social media can build trust and loyalty and drive sales....
Vol 12.24 - Dahlias: Getting More Popular With People (and Pests) The popularity of dahlias only seems to increase; our summer and fall tourists snap up irresistible ...
Vol 12.23 - Developing an Emergency Action Plan for Your Greenhouse Operation Are you prepared in the event of an emergency? Invest time in developing an emergency action plan fo...
Vol 12.22 - Chloromequat chloride-induced chlorosis on osteospermum Chlorosis can be a concerning thing to see in the greenhouse, since it can be a symptom of a variety...
Vol 12.21 - Avoiding Ammonium Toxicity is Easy! Pansies are selling, so why talk about a production issue that is frequently observed during the win...
Vol 12.20 - TSWV and INSV on annual bedding plants Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) and Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) causing light or darkly co...
Vol 12.19 - Controlling spotted spurge in greenhouse container production In this e-GRO alert, growers will learn how to identify and manage spotted spurge in their greenhous...
Vol 12.18 - Environmental Gardening Practices & Native Plant Purchasers Consumer interest in native plants and their participation in environmentally friendly gardening pra...
Vol 12.17 - Sunflowers: Insects Like Them Too! Everyone loves sunny sunflowers, judging from their growing popularity and diversity as a cut flower...
Vol 12.16 - The Support Beginning Farmers Need for Adopting New Technologies This publication illustrates the findings from a study conducted by the author titled Exploring the ...
Vol 12.15 - Recognizing and Preventing Phytotoxicity Sometimes products used for pest or disease management can end up injuring the crops they are meant ...
Vol 12.14 - Chronic Underwatering of Gerbera Daisy Growth control is a great thing…when it happens on purpose. Inadvertently growing containerized gerb...
Vol 12.13 - Proper Application of Controlled-Release Fertilizers Controlled-release fertilizers (CRFs) can be either incorporated or top-dressed for containerized cr...
Vol 12.12 - Fusarium crown and stem rot of Echeveria It is important to accurately identify the cause of plant disease. Fusarium infection of Echeveria c...
Vol 12.11 - The Pros and Cons of Indoor Plant Production Facilities The most compelling reason for growing in an indoor plant production facility is the complete contro...
Vol 12.10 - Wet, Overcast Conditions Leads to Disease Problems Cold, wet, and overcast conditions have created problems, particularly with Pythium root rot and Bot...
Vol 12.09 - Leaf Spot on Calibrachoa Calibrachoas with a concern of a virus disease were scouted. Thankfully, no virus infection was dete...
Vol 12.08 - Improving Rooting Uniformity with Rooting Hormones Many growers propagate unrooted cuttings, but propagation success varies among species, cultivars, a...
Vol 12.07 - Growing Talent: Creating a Mutually Beneficial Internship Program Internship programs ensure that there is new talent and passion coming into the floriculture industr...
Vol 12.06 - Shasta Daisy: Undifferentiated Basal Growth Shasta daisy were observed to have a large growth mass near the stem base. This symptom was likely t...
Vol 12.05 - Stachys byzantina: Sclerotinia (White Mold) Stachys leaf dieback and upon careful investigation leaves with a pronounced white, cottony growth (...
Vol 12.04 - Rudbeckia: Sclerotinia (White Mold) Rudbeckia plant collapse and leaves with a pronounced white, cottony growth (mycelium) were observed...
Vol 12.03 - PGR Guide for Annuals Published The latest version of the Plant Growth Regulator Guide for Annuals is now available, a project spons...
Vol 12.02 - Utilizing Color Psychology in the Greenhouse and Garden Center Color psychology or the study of how color influences human behavior and feelings can assist with th...
Vol 12.01 - (Re)Discovering Floriculture History The path of discovery can take many twists and turns, and the journey may take multiple years. New o...
Vol 11.36 - The Irony of Overwatering Interveinal chlorosis of the upper foliage can develop based on a number of conditions. Excessive i...
Vol 11.35 - Bacterial soft rot causing death of succulents Bacterial soft rot occurs sporadically in ornamental production, but when it does, it can be very da...
Vol 11.34 - Did We Need Another Phytophthora? Did Mums Need Another Disease? Phytophthora chrysanthemi causes stunting, purpling, and death of foliage, on one major branch or th...
Vol 11.33 - Poinsettia Mosaic Virus (PnMV) **ALERT AVAILABLE SOON Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) with distorted growth and light green mo...
Vol 11.32 - Mites Under Lights Sweet potatoes are vegetatively propagated from stock plants primarily in the spring for summer plan...
Vol 11.31 - Encountering Eriophyid Mites on Coneflower and Other Ornamentals What are eriophyid mites? Eriophyid mites (family Eriophyidae) affect a wide variety of plants and a...
Vol 11.30 - Controlling yellow woodsorrel in greenhouse container production In this e-GRO alert, growers will learn how to identify and manage yellow woodsorrel in their green...
Vol 11.28 - Keep an eye out for Rhizoctonia web blight Description: Warmer, humid conditions within greenhouses and outdoor production areas, especially as...
Vol 11.27 - Alternanthera Mosaic Virus (AltMV) Samples of portulaca showing distorted leaf edges and chlorotic spots were diagnosed with Alternanth...
Vol 11.26 - New Guinea Impatiens: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) Necrotic spotting and ringspots were observed on while visiting a grower. These symptoms are typica...
Vol 11.25 - Heat Stress and Injury of High Tunnel Grown Bedding Plants High tunnel bedding plant production can be successful, yet risky because plants may be exposed to u...
Vol 11.24 - Tarnished plant bug Among the more frustrating pests for flower growers, tarnished plant bug often arrives suddenly and ...
Vol 11.23 - Identification and Management of Hairy Bittercress in Greenhouses In this e-GRO alert, growers will learn how to identify and manage hairy bittercress in their green...
Vol 11.22 - Hottest Plant Varieties from the 2021 Michigan Plant Trials MSU and five cooperating young plant growers in the Michigan Garden Plant Tour trialed varieties las...
Vol 11.21 - It’s the Pictures that Got Big: Choosing a Microscope for Business (or Pleasure) What have you’ve been missing? You can see it under the microscope! Here are simple tips for buying ...
Vol 11.20 - Chili Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (CPMMoV) CPMMoV can cause mottling, flower break, necrotic spots, and/or general stunt and is being seen...
Vol 11.19 - Bacterial Blight on Geraniums, again. Bacterial blight on geraniums (Figure1), caused by Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii, is back this...
Vol 11.18 - Recognizing and Preventing Viral Diseases in the Greenhouse. This alert features key strategies for growers to consider and discuss when managing plant viruses i...
Vol 11.17 - Factors Impacting Business and Marketing Strategies Used by Landscape Firms The following e-GRO Alert highlights factors impacting business strategies and marketing channels us...
Vol 11.16 - Something Different: Leafhoppers in the Greenhouse About 15 years ago a greenhouse grower contacted me about small (< 3mm) leafhoppers causing pale ...
Vol 11.15 - 2022 Insect and Disease Management Recommendations. Each year, Dr. Mary Hausbeck and Dr. Dave Smitley at Michigan State University release updated insec...
Vol 11.14 - Blackleg of Geranium Geranium plants with black stems and leaf petioles, wilt, and overall plant collapse were observed. ...
Vol 11.13 - Fusarium wilt of Cyclamen Not all root and crown rots are the same. Yellowing, wilting foliage on cyclamen could be Fusarium w...
Vol 11.12 - Pericallis: Diagnosing Lower Leaf Interveinal Chlorosis and Necrosis Lower leaf interveinal chlorosis and necrotic spotting on pericallis caused by low potassium (K) lev...
Vol 11.11 - Gray Mold Prevention Starts with Air Movement Air movement is critical in greenhouse environments to limit diseases like gray mold. Good air movem...
Vol 11.10 - Are there Risks of Working under LED Supplemental Lighting? There are potential health risks associated with exposure to both solar radiation and electric light...
Vol 11.09 - Premature flowering in annual bedding plants Getting bedding plants into flower for sales is an important part of spring crop production. However...
Vol 11.08 - Jar Test: Determining Fertilizer Solubility and Compatibility Not all fertilizers are compatible when mixed to formulate stock solutions. Using the jar test will ...
Vol 11.07 - Coleus Insect Photo Guide This e-GRO Alert provides a photographic guide to coleus insects. ...
Vol 11.06 - Coleus Disease Photo Guide This e-GRO Alert provides a photographic guide to coleus diseases. ...
Vol 11.05 - Coleus Physiological Disorder Photo Guide This e-GRO Alert provides a photographic guide to coleus physiological disorders. ...
Vol 11.04 - Coleus Nutritional Disorder Photo Guide This e-GRO Alert provides a photographic guide to coleus nutritional disorders. ...
Vol 11.03 - Hitting the IBA Sweet Spot to Improve Rooting The use of IBA improves rooting efficiency, but too much can be detrimental. This Alert helps to dia...
Vol 11.02 - Plant Growth Regulator Guide for Herbaceous Perennials Update The latest edition of the Plant Growth Regulator Guide for Containerized Herbaceous Perennial Plants...
Vol 11.01 - Cheers to Ten Years! Electronic Grower Resources Online (e-GRO) is beginning its 11th season in 2022....
Vol 10.38 - Pansy problems: Leaf spot, powdery mildew, and Myrothecium crown rot Pansies and violas are affected by numerous plant diseases including black root rot, Pythium root ro...
Vol 10.37 - Unusual Leaf Spot on Poinsettia While not commonly encountered on poinsettias, Corynespora cassiicola can cause brown leaf spots on ...
Vol 10.36 - Poinsettia Leaf and Stem Abnormalities Given that poinsettias are propagated during the hottest months of the year and have a very long pro...
Vol 10.34 - Dodder (Cuscuta spp.): Orange, spaghetti-like growth Dodder is a parasitic weed with orange, spaghetti-like growth that entwines around plants. ...
Vol 10.33 - Ornamental Cabbage and Kale Water Stress Excessive wilting of the plants will result in lower leaf yellow and leaf drop. ...
Vol 10.32 - Ornamental Cabbage and Kale Coloration Tips Coloration of ornamental cabbage and kale is primarily influenced by temperature. A few production p...
Vol 10.31 - Summer Weather Patterns Can Influence Irrigation Water Quality Weather conditions and drought can affect the quality of your irrigation water. Increased alkalinity...
Vol 10.30 - Root Rot in Garden Mums Small and off-color mums may be a sign of root rot. ...
Vol 10.29 - Plants Gone Crazy What is fascinating with fasciation?...
Vol 10.28 - Garden Mums: Crown Buds Induced by Cool Night Temperatures Fall garden mum production typically occurs outdoors exposing plants to seasonal environmental condi...
Vol 10.27 - The green you do not want in the greenhouse: Algae Brief description: A review about practices and products to control algae in greenhouses. ...
Vol 10.26 - White Rust on Portulaca White rust is not a true rust nor a fungal disease. It is an oomycete disease, and it was recently s...
Vol 10.25 - Taking a More Holistic Approach to Fungus Gnat Management Fungus gnats can impact crop quality and spread Pythium in greenhouses...
Vol 10.24 - Pandemic Assistance Programs for Greenhouses and Nurseries Nearly all floriculture and nursery operations have been impacted by the pandemic. Learn more about ...
Vol 10.23 - Leaf-Curling Plum Aphid: A Pest to Watch Leaf-curling plum aphid, Brachycaudus helichrysi, can cause distortion, stunting of new growth on pl...
Vol 10.22 - White Mold (Sclerotinia) on Coleus Description: Coleus plants with white cottony-like growth, stem and leaf rot, and small, hard, bla...
Vol 10.21 - Scouting and Treatment of Gray Mold in Greenhouse Crops Peak color in the greenhouse coincides with cloudy, damp weather that creates a favorable environmen...
Vol 10.20 - Begonia and Vinca Sensitivity to Paclobutrazol Plant growth regulators (PGRs) can be successfully used to control growth or induce lateral branchin...
Vol 10.19 - Prevent Chilling Injury The pandemic, coupled with the cold winter has consumers demanding annuals, herb, and vegetable tran...
Vol 10.18 - GR Drenches for Growth Control Trying to control the growth of all your different spring crops can be a challenge. With so much div...
Vol 10.17 - Lily Basal Rot Lily basal rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lilii can cause crop losses in Easter Lilies....
Vol 10.16 - Plant Disease Resistance, Reviewed Defining and understanding plant resistance, susceptibility, immunity....
Vol 10.15 - Troubleshooting Ipomoea Warm season annuals such as ipomoea can be challenged with cloudy weather. ...
Vol 10.14 - Ask an Entomologist With the pandemic has come even greater demand for diagnostic lab support. Read about some recent is...
Vol 10.13 - Bacterial leaf spot diseases are prevalent in wet greenhouses Wet, humid, overcast weather outside favors plant disease development inside greenhouses because pla...
Vol 10.12 - Cashing in on the Top Four Gardening Motivations of 2020 The spring of 2021 is here! During 2020, despite a very difficult start, many plant retailers had an...
Vol 10.11 - Interpreting Water Quality Analysis Reports The quality of irrigation water is crucial to develop nutrient programs that are compatible with the...
Vol 10.10 - PourThru Method for Large Containerized Crops The PourThru method is a great procedure to determine the nutritional status of containerized crops....
Vol 10.09 - Sampling Irrigation Water for Routine Lab Analysis Irrigation sampling is an important nutrient monitoring practice to determine water quality such as ...
Vol 10.08 - _Elevated EC Symptomology Lower leaf necrosis can develop in stevia if the substrate electrical conductivity (EC) is elevated....
Vol 10.07 - Stevia: High Substrate pH Stevia can develop interveinal chlorosis of the upper foliage if the substrate pH is too high....
Vol 10.06 - Calonectria root, crown, and cutting rots are less common, but just as damaging Besides the more common pathogens causing root disease in greenhouse crops, there are other lesser...
Vol 10.05 - Aphids in Unexpected Places Over the past year I had some interesting samples of and questions about aphids, so as winter transi...
Vol 10.04 - Who Said That Pansies Were Easy? Pansies would seem to be an uncomplicated or easy crop….but then the leaves started to yellow….....
Vol 10.03 - Powdery Mildew on Succulents Is Not What You Would Expect Powdery mildew on succulents can appear more like sun scald or edema. In this alert, we will show yo...
Vol 10.02 - PGR Guide for Annuals The 72-page Plant Growth Regulator Guide for Annuals publication has been updated for the 2021-2022 ...
Vol 10.01 - Sampling Substrates for Routine or Diagnostic Lab Analysis Substrate sampling for routine or diagnostic lab analysis is an important nutrient monitoring practi...
Vol 1.20 - New Multi-Touch iPad-Based Books Details of new iPad-based books available from E-GRO<br>...
Vol 1.19 - Tis The Season to Protect Your Mums From Rust Cooler weather signals various things in the world of floriculture - for mum growers it signals that...
Vol 1.18 - Hanging Baskets Problems Hanging baskets are an important part of most greenhouses' crop mix; they provide a lot of WOW ...
Vol 1.17 - Two-Spotted Spider Mites and Edema on Geranium Geraniums showing chlorosis and necrosis on the foliage were seen, and on some leaves these symptoms...
Vol 1.16 - Broad Mites on New Guinea Impatiens Not too many cases of broad mites have been seen over the past couple of years, though this season w...
Vol 1.15 - Water Management - More an Art Than a Science. I think every seasoned grower will agree with me that watering is one, of if not the most difficult ...
Vol 1.14 - Late Season Magnesium (Mg) Deficiencies The higher than normal temperatures this spring means that the irrigation demand of bedding plants h...
Vol 1.13 - Sampling and Submitting Greenhouse Substrate, Irrigation Water and Tissue for Analysis Routine sampling of your greenhouse crops growing substrate, irrigation water, fertilizer solution, ...
Vol 1.12 - Petunia Powdery Mildew Recently a grower called asking about petunia rooted cuttings and recently transplanted petunias wit...
Vol 1.11 - PGR Mix Master - PGR App For Your Mobile Device Calculating PGR dilutions can be a stumbling block for many individuals, and for many years growers ...
Vol 1.10 - Gerbera - Lower Leaf Black Spotting Received an email from a Midwest sales representative. One of his clients had a gerbera crop with bl...
Vol 1.09 - Flower Induction of Long-day Annuals for Early Spring Sales We all know that color sells annual bedding plants. However, growers often struggle inducing certain...
Vol 1.08 - Downy Mildew of Impatiens One of the diseases that many are talking about this season is downy mildew of impatiens. <br>...
Vol 1.07 - Kalanchoes: Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) Diagnosis, management, and actions to take are included in this Alert. ...
Vol 1.06 - Non-Stop Begonias: Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) Diagnosis, management, and actions to take are included in this Alert. ...
Vol 1.05 - Injector Maintenance Fertilizer injectors are one of those tools that we use everyday and we expect them to work when we ...
Vol 1.04 - Shining Some Light on Young Plant Production If you have watched the weather forecast recently, you have undoubtedly heard that much of the U.S. ...
Vol 1.03 - Troubleshooting Petunia Disorders A new publication is available to growers to help you problem solve insect, disease, nutritional, an...
Vol 1.02 - Dahlia Photoperiod Cutting or seed produced dahlias are wonderful spring bedding plants. As you prepare for this spring...
Vol 1.01 - Welcome to e-GRO Alert! Floriculture Extension Specialists at Cornell University, Purdue University, North Carolina State Un...